Organization Registration Take Down

January 10 - 15, 2022  Sign Up Form
Take Down will be between 9am - 12pm

As it was listed on the registration form for all organiztions, you agreed to assist us in taking down your display and take off your tree ornaments.

We have set up several time slots and dates for you to sign up for so we can be there to assist you and gather the items that were on loan to your display.

We suggest bringing a storage bin or bag of some type to collect any items you have brought to set up your display.  Be sure to lay out any items so they dry out if you plan on using them again next year.  If not, we have trash disposal available onsite.

Please remember that the displays will remain up until the End of the Day on January 9th.  So all items on the tree and in the display area will need to remain until that date. 

We will have certain days and times that commissioners will be on the grounds to assist you with Take Down.

Decorating days will be January 10 - 15, 2022  from 9am – 12pm. .  Obviously, no evening hours will be available due to needing to see what you are doing as you take down.

